Acting Tools for Everyday

Gather Artist: Elizabeth A. Davis

When acting, one must get out of the way for something new to arise. An actor strips away pretense and puts the self aside to honor the character and scene. This expression is why we watch actors. But the tools of acting can be used broadly in order to communicate more effectively. In this Gather, we’ll explore techniques that unlock the spoken and written word. We’ll discover the power of our own voices. We’ll practice the public interpretation of a text we’ve each brought with us, strengthening our intuition with them. We’ll explore tone, beats, and emotional nuances—and we’ll grow in awareness of how we communicate in daily life.

Please bring in a piece of text that you’d like to discover more robustly—whether it’s a presentation for work, your wedding vows, a journal entry, an audition, or another text you know well.

Location: TBA

Available Dates:

8 spots total. Added details to follow 1-2 days before the gathering date.

Elizabeth A. Davis


From writing scripts to playing violin to producing shows, Elizabeth’s power sparks in the presence of others, in observing and teaching her acting skills. She holds a BFA and MFA in theater performance and has spent 15 years in NYC’s professional theater spaces. She is a Tony Award & Drama Desk Award nominee and a passionate storyteller. And her strength is especially in processing suffering through her artistry.

Elizabeth A. Davis
  • Elizabeth A. Davis
  • Elizabeth A. Davis
  • Elizabeth A. Davis
  • Elizabeth A. Davis