Floral Design

Gather Artist: Echo Chen

In many cultures the exchange of flowers is a form of communication and an expression of our bond to each other and to nature. But floral symbolism is also very personal. In this Gather, we’ll explore our relationship to flowers, learning the feelings of different colors, textures, and forms of floral composition. We’ll spend time free-drawing with our whole bodies to get comfortable with natural flow. We’ll shake and tap the flowers to get a sense of how each flower moves, listening to their organic nature and to how they want to be. We’ll learn to construct our own bouquets connected to specific themes, occasions, or emotions that we want to express.

Location: TBA

Available Dates:

8 spots total. Added details to follow 2-3 days before the gathering date.

Echo Chen

Floral Designer

Echo is a multi-disciplinary artist from New Jersey now living in Brooklyn. Much of her personal art and research is around our human relationships to the geography and other living beings that we co-inhabit the Earth with. As a kiddo she used to make arrangements from flowers in her mom’s garden and the woods behind her house and leave them for her neighbors on their porches. These days she spends her time creating floral compositions with lots of movement, texture, and color for spaces and production sets.

Echo Chen